Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Busy Hands, Happy Heart ♥ ♥ ♥

 photo LPH Sampler_zps0gn6ok87.jpg

It's really true . . . . .
busy hands do help keep our hearts happy!
I've been working on this sweet sampler off-&-on
for the past few years . . . . . (it's fairly large) . . . . .
am close to completing it now, and can hardly wait
to hang it in my livingroom!
It tells a story -
of all the things I love doing!
Gardening, cooking, baking, sewing, and yes,

So what are you doing today?
Whatever it is, I hope it brings you JOY!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful sampler! I hope you'll show a picture of it when you finish and hang it on the wall. Today was just a general autumn work day...pulling weeds and doing some harvesting outside and then trying to catch up on the mess inside! Every evening now I have to head outside and cover the tomatoes and other tender crops I'm trying to baby along. Two sugar pie pumpkins looked ready to harvest today so they are on the patio curing!


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