It's a good day to be king . . . . . ;)
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Busy Hands, Happy Heart ♥ ♥ ♥
It's really true . . . . .
busy hands do help keep our hearts happy!
I've been working on this sweet sampler off-&-on
for the past few years . . . . . (it's fairly large) . . . . .
am close to completing it now, and can hardly wait
to hang it in my livingroom!
It tells a story -
of all the things I love doing!
Gardening, cooking, baking, sewing, and yes,
So what are you doing today?
Whatever it is, I hope it brings you JOY!!!
Monday, September 28, 2015
Old Barns and Old People
This is a precious old video - I've enjoyed it many times - first in e-mails,
and lately on Facebook. But a good story always bears repeating, and this
one is no exception. So sit back, relax, pour a cuppa coffee, and enjoy!
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Shema Israel!
This lovely prayer, known in Hebrew as the "Shema" is being sung tonight
in Jewish and Messianic homes all around the world.
The word "shema" means "listen",
as in a military command to pay attention and act upon what you've heard!
Here is the English translation of the song:
"Hear, oh Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is One!
Blessed is His Name, Whose Kingdom is Forever!"
Shabbat Shalom, Chevarim!
(His Sabbath Peace to you, dear friends!)
Friday, September 25, 2015
Down Home Cookin' - Easy Busy Day Casserole!

~ Too tired to cook!
~ Out of fresh veggies!
~ Having a crazy-busy week and don't have time to really "cook"!
(You can choose "All of the above", too! LOL!)
You get the idea. But you still have to eat! And preferably eat a balanced meal -
~ sooooo ~
here it is, folks!
1 pound ground beef (ground turkey or sausage work well, too)
1 pound pasta, cooked.
3 cans vegetables - your choice.
Directions -
Thursday, September 24, 2015
My beloved Kansas has a nick-name -
"The Sunflower State"!
It's our state flower, and as you travel down the
highways and byways here, you will see millions of
them, in all sizes and shades of yellow and gold.
So what happier project for this Kansas gal
to make than this cheery
"Sassy Sunflower Afghan"!
The pattern was sent to me by one of my dear
"Sugar Pie Sistas" (thank you much, Euna!!!)
Here is a link to the pattern at "Mom's Love of" -
Please stop by and say "hi"- you will love all the FREE patterns there!
I'm having a blast making it!
So what projects are you working on today??? Do tell!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Happy Yom Kippur!
This is the Day of Atonement -
the most solemn and sacred day of the year
on God's calendar!
For Messianic believers in Yeshua,
it is a day of joy as we reflect on the fact
that our names are written in the
Lamb's Book of Life!
This picture above shows a lovely white cross -
near where I live - that is always a sweet reminder
of this every time I drive by it!
Today we wear white - anticipating the day
when we shall be clothed in white robes
of righteousness before His Throne!
It is also a day of fasting -
as we reflect on His great sacrifice on Golgotha,
by which Yeshua purchased our souls!
It is a day of worship, praise, and
yet solemnly taking stock of our lives before
the Lord, Adonai, Our Maker -
and of trusting in His Grace to
make the changes we need to make in
our behavior, in order to honor Him
And we end it by enjoying a glorious meal!
So, chevarim - dear friends -
"May your fast be easy" -
and your feast later be fabulous!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Sweet Farmhouse Memories ~
"Every home where love abides,
And friendship is a guest,
Is truly home -
and home sweet home -
For there the heart finds rest."
(Henry Van Dyke)
This was one of the dearest places on earth to me -
my grandparents farmhouse in
Smith County, Kansas.
Built in 1926, it was in our family for
nearly 80 years.
I grew up in Colorado, but every summer we would
come out and spend a few days here.
Oh what fun for a city kid!!!
I got to pet a newborn baby piglet once - and ohhh!!!
How he squealed!!! I loved it!
Got to pat the sweetest bottle calf once, too - and
run my fingers over his velvety soft mouth!
There were hogs in the sty, cattle in the pasture, and mules -
there were lots of chickens for several years, too -
always scurrying about as we arrived!
And Old Susie, the farm dog - oh how I loved Old Susie!
My first memory of her was as we pulled into the yard one night,
and she came flying out in a blur around our car - all teeth, noise, and attitude!!!
We stayed in the car til my uncle, who owned her -
gave us the "all clear" - and then she made right up to me,
and we were best buddies ever after!!
(Once my heart stopped thumping in my throat, that is!)
She only had three legs, but that didn't slow her down a bit!
I also got unusually brave one day -
and followed my uncle right into the BULL's pen!!
I stayed close behind him as he walked the width of the pen
to check the bull's water tank . . .
that humongous ol' Hereford bull just stood there,
and never took his steely eyes off me, though!!!
And I lived to tell the story! LOL!!
Yes, there was a lot of love in that farmhouse -
lots of laughter, family fun, Grandma's and my aunt's good
old-fashioned down home cookin' -
happy visits out on the porch, and very happy memories!
Monday, September 21, 2015
Down a Country Road - September Beauty ~
by Helen Hunt Jackson
The goldenrod is yellow;
The corn is turning brown;
The trees in apple orchards
With fruit are bending down.
The gentian's bluest fringes
Are curling in the sun;
In dusky pods the milkweed
It's hidden silk has spun.
The sedges flaunt their harvest
In every meadow-nook,
And asters by the brookside
Make asters in the brook.
From dewy lanes at morning
The grapes sweet odors rise;
At noon the roads all flutter
With yellow butterflies.
By all these lovely tokens
September days are here,
With summer's best of weather,
And autumn's best of cheer.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
You Raise Me Up (with lyrics) - Selah
Beautiful . . . His Love restores the weary soul!!!
Let the Lord restore you today!
Friday, September 18, 2015
Sabbath Blessings ~
This lovely Scripture verse is embroidered on the precious
"tallit" (Jewish prayer shawl)
I was blessed with several years ago.
It is called the "Prayer of Jabez",
(1 Chronicles 4:10)
(1 Chronicles 4:10)
and is a prayer of blessing.
It is my prayer for YOU today!
May you be blessed, and prosper,
and be free of pain - by the Grace of God!
Shabbat Shalom, chevarim!
(Sabbath Peace, my friend!)
Red Box Recipes - Fry Pan Pizza
Because you friends are so special to me - and so are these recipes -
I'm starting a new "feature" here called
"Red Box Recipes".
So what are those?
They are a lot of very special old recipes that have been carefully & lovingly stored -
on handwritten recipe cards -
in a slightly battered, somewhat-falling-apart dear old red box -
by my late Mom.
So in a sense - I'm doing this as a tribute to her, too - because she was one fabulous cook!
And my very dearest friend as well as . . .well, the best Mom a girl ever had!!!!!!
I grew up on these recipes - some of them date back to the 1930's -
nothing like some good old-fashioned deliciousness!!
So here is the first recipe - Enjoy!
Fry Pan Pizza
2 Tablespoons shortening - to grease a cold skillet.
Ingredients -

3/4 Cup Milk
Mix these together, and spread in the skillet.
Top with -
1/2 pound meat
1 small can of mushroom pieces - cut up
1 can tomato paste
Oregano and Romano Cheese on top
Bake 10 - 15 minutes at 325 degrees in skillet, or 25 - 30 minutes on pizza pan in oven.
We had this many times on Saturdays, as a special treat!
I can still see my Mom putting it all together over her electric skillet - good times!!!
Hope you enjoy it, too!
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Spinning a yarn . . .
I love working with yarn!
Knitting, crochet, plastic canvas, etc. -
I love the feel, the texture as it moves through my hands
and becomes something useful before my eyes!
Some of my recent projects are pictured above -
a dishcloth, and two yarn trivets!
There is just something so relaxing and
soothing about creating with yarn.
So what hobbies do you have?
What helps you to relax?
Pull up a chair, and your latest project,
and let's create and chat awhile!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Monday, September 14, 2015
Happy "Feast of Trumpets" - Yom Teruah!
It's time to celebrate Yeshua- and His soon return for His Bride!
The festive table is set here at the
Little Prairie Home!
Homemade Challah Bread - an ancient tradition -
and sparkling grape juice -
and the candle symbolizing our
Messiah Yeshua, the Light of the World!
Gracing the table along with the food is
my treasured prayer shawl -
a gift from a dear friend!
On it are embroidered the words of the
Prayer of Jabez, found in the Bible -
"Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory!
Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm
so that I will be free from pain.”
(1 Chronicles 4:10)
Chag Sameach, chevarim!
(Happy Holiday, friends!)
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Holy, Holy, Holy - Hillsong United
This song really touched my heart -
please listen - hope you will be blessed, too!
Happy Sabbath!
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Happy Fall, Ya'll !!!
Peanut and I want to wish you all
a very happy Fall!
It is almost here now in Kansas -
there is a "nip" in the air,
and I can hardly wait for
pumpkin everything, apple cider simmering,
crunchy leaves, warm snuggly sweatshirts,
the Messianic holidays of
Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot,
and Thanksgiving!
And what better way to bring in the Autumn
season than to make yourself into
the CUTEST little Fall
decoration on Mommy's table!!!!!
Hope ~

" For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future."
(Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)
For those who know Him, this is a very precious promise!
He loves you so much that He died for your sins,
so that you can be set free from them!
If you don't yet know Jesus, or Yeshua as His Name is in Hebrew -
won't you give Him your life today?
Then you, too - can have this precious hope!
I gave Him my life many years ago - and have never regretted it!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Sometimes it really is OK . . . . .
(Photo source unknown -
please let me know so I can give proper credit!))
To play with your food!!!!!
This little cutie pie is actually
sitting in -
coffee beans!!!!!
(My favorite food group!)
And sometimes . . .
A gal just has to be a little bit goofy!!!
(It saves your sanity!)
Hope you are having a day filled with
happy surprises!
Monday, September 7, 2015
One Day At a Time [Live]
Sometimes we just need a gentle reminder
to stop, take a deep breath,
put all our cares in Jesus' very capable hands,
and just take life -
"One Day At A Time".
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Just a Sweet Reminder ~
Just a sweet reminder, dear friends . . .
that no matter what you may be going through . . .
in good times, and in not-so-good times . . .
when you feel lovable, and especially when you don't . . .
Jesus is with you - holding you close -
and reminding you that He loves you!
(and so do I!)
Hugs to you!!
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Love & Blessings!
Hello, Dear Friends!!!
I hope your week has been filled with love and blessings -
as mine has been - the blessings of busy-ness!!
Yes, being busy IS a blessing - especially when you have been
rather confined for 12 years due to health challenges -
and then received your health and energy back by the Grace of God!!
Rest is extra sweet then - and so is work!
Have a Blessed & Restful Sabbath!
Friday, September 4, 2015
The Story That Clotheslines Told
You could always tell what was going on in a family's life
by observing their clothesline.
This is the clothesline - see it dimly near the bottom of the photo?
that once stood behind our family's Kansas farmhouse.
It is gone now - and so are most of the trees around it.
But it would have told you a lot about us -
and what was going on at my grandparents farm!
I loved hanging the laundry on the line for my Mom when I was growing up -
first running a wet cloth over it so the dust wouldn't stain the freshly washed clothes -
then hanging things "just so" -
sheets, towels, and blankets on the outside -
"unmentionables" on the inside!
And everything "shared" a clothespin with the item
on either side of it!
I sure do miss having a clothesline!
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
All Things Bright And Beautiful
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful:
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings.
The rich man in his castle,
The poor man at his gate,
He made them, high or lowly,
And ordered their estate.
The purple headed mountains,
The river running by,
The sunset and the morning
That brightens up the sky.
The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one.
The tall trees in the greenwood,
The meadows where we play,
The rushes by the water,
To gather every day.
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.
(Cecil Frances Alexander)
Old Roses On The Farmhouse Porch ~
These lovely old-fashioned roses graced the porch and steps at my grandparents farmhouse.
There is just something charming about them -
and about the old steps -
they've always been a favorite of mine.
I guess it's because of the precious memories they invoke -
I have such happy memories of our family farm -
and of gatherings on the porch with
loved ones.
Aunts, uncles, cousins, my parents -
and of course our "four-legged family" -
Old Shep - a sweet collie who was my Grandpa's farm and cattle herding dog -
and Old Susie - a three-legged dynamo of a hunting dog who was also guardian, adventurer, and bestest buddy to me all rolled into one!
So, what places are special in your heart?
Would love to hear about them!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
The Anti-Inflammatory Diet - A Lifesaver!
Hello, dear friends! As promised - here's some more of "what's been going on in my little patch of the prairies!" I'm so excited to share this with you! Some of you have been wanting to know about the new diet I'm on which has literally been a life-saver for me! As some of you may remember, I have had severe arthritis for the past 12 years (I walk with a cane) and as those of you with long-term health issues know - those things can really drain your energy! Well, about Christmas time my chiropractor told me about the "Anti-Inflammatory Diet" - and I've been on it faithfully ever since. That - combined with drinking Kangen water (which is high in anti-oxidants and is alkaline) plus lots of prayer - has literally given me back the energy I had in my 20's and 30's. No exaggeration. I'm much more flexible again, my skin is clear, and I can do far more than I have been able to in a very long time! People in our little town here in Kansas have literally been surprised at the change in my appearance and asking me how I did it! It is so simple, and so easy to do (and no, I'm not a "representative" or anything!) I have also lost 12+ pounds (and am still losing.) So here is the list of foods and supplements on the diet - plus info on the Kangen Water. I hope it blesses some of you as much as it has blessed me!
Veggies - (fresh or frozen, not canned)
Bell Peppers
Green Beans
Green Onions
Sweet Potatoes
Turnip Greens
Fruits - (fresh or frozen, not canned)
Fresh Pineapple
Spices -
Cayenne/Chili Peppers
Nuts -
Sunflower Seeds
Oils -
Avocado Oil
Avocado Oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Fish/Seafood -
Chicken, Pork, and Turkey (NO Beef - except for organic, or grass fed.)
Avoid Sugar (it causes inflammation) BUT -
do use Honey, Stevia, Sucanat, Splenda, Sugar-In-The-Raw
or any other
natural, organic sweetner.
LOTS of Green Tea!
Supplements -
Curcumin, Fish Oils, Frankincense, Indigo Plant, Tumeric (Curcumin),
Cat's Claw, Ginger, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Alfalfa, Zinc.
Now here's what makes this diet sooooo super easy to follow -
all you have to do is include just ONE of these foods
with every snack or meal you eat!
And yes, you can have whole grain breads, pastries, and pasta.
And all the salads and healthy desserts or snacks
of other foods that you want, too!!!!!!!
Kangen Water
has been vital to the success of this diet, too! I have been drinking it
almost exclusively for the past 7 months - actually started losing weight when I started
drinking it (a couple months BEFORE I started on the diet). It is water that is
highly anti-oxidant, and alkaline.
Disease cannot live in an alkaline environment - which is how it super-benefits your body!
I drink 2 quarts daily - can't say enough wonderful things about
Kangen Water! It is the sweetest water I've ever tasted - and if you would like more information about it - you can "Google" it, plus here is the link to the water I'm using -
(by the way - I am NOT a distributor, nor am I being compensated to review it - just my honest true-to-life experience with it being expressed here!)
(Which basically means this - that's why I've been spending a whole lot more time out there
~ living real life ~
in the past 3 weeks - WooHoo! And a lot less time on the computer! And I'm gonna take ya'll along with me - of course - on the new adventures!)
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