Sunday, August 4, 2013

Down A Country Road . . .

Won't you come along with me . . .

and ramble down some of the back roads near my home today?


  1. Thank you for the sweet invite to come along on your Sunday drive! When I was a kid we used to enjoy country drives just like that and if we were very good we'd get to stop for an ice cream cone along the way. Mom would make us up a picnic lunch with sandwiches wrapped in crispy waxed paper. Doesn't everything taste better in the country?!

    1. Hi, Molly - Yes,it sure does taste so good out in the country! (It's a lot more fun to eat it there, too!) So glad this brought back such happy memories for you - and I also remember sandwiches in wax paper - hadn't thought of that in a long while!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Beautiful! It looks like a very nice place to live. Peaceful

    1. Hi, Jana - Thank you! Yes, it is very peaceful out here - muuuuuch nicer than the metroplex I lived in for 40 years!

  4. Hello Pauline,
    Thanks for visiting us at Red Rose Alley. You have such a lovely blog. I love these photos of the country. Taking rides with my husband in the country is one of my favorite things to do. I have been wanting to get back to nature, it brings me such peace. These pictures are so green and pretty, I would love it if you would follow us, and I would certainly come back and follow you as well. I hope you are enjoying the Autumn days.



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